

The solution is there and it’s simple. To talk. Be open. To share. Usually the solution is found in this moment, in the breath, in the quietness and kindness. Each morning is a possibility. For a new way, for a new view.

In order to feel alive, we crave meaning. Work? Sure. Hobbies? Absolutely. Family? Even better.

These too are things that can break you if you don’t keep sure you have time to recover.

We know. It’s not easy. But we are willing to help, with examples.

We are driven by different motives when we are chasing joy in life. We have different features and strengths. One is braver than the other. One is better socially. Still, we all bump into walls. One way or another. But it’s always possible to get up. Hard, but worth it.

Fresh angles to familiar topics. Hope. Entertainment.

In order to be alive we must live. Our bodies do it autonomically. But we have to take care of the body. That’s something we have known since forever, but are starting to forget. It’s time to remember, again.

We train. We eat healthy. We try to do our best. But the difference is that the body and the mind are a team and you have to be sure you have a clear sense of meaning in your life. 

Peace. Moderation.

You don’t have to be perfect. You just have to be.

Mind the mind. We need to stop. Stop chasing a new path in our empty careers, to stretch to impossible positions in order to make an impression on our environment. Getting depressed when we fail to step to the standards we weren’t sure we agreed with in the first place. 

We fail to communicate in partnerships. We fail to be equal, kind, graceful. 

We fall quiet, the kind of angry quiet. We break stuff. 

We compare, too much. Somebody is always better. Somebody does more decent work. Somebody is off to a dream vacation. The neighbor has a more beautiful car. And you keep losing in sports and in work. It’s dangerous – and we know it. Still we continue on our path. 

Everything doesn’t have to be positive. The negative things and sore subjects need to be discussed openly. They teach us more than the positive.

We do films, documentaries and interviews. We do photographs. Recipes. Essays. Workouts. Meditations. Practices to help you unwind. To relax. To breathe. We give you inspiration and means to control your life. Small, meaningful things. The essential.

To reset, to recover…

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